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3. Security

There are a few things you should definitely keep in mind:

  • Restrict access through a firewall. Do NOT allow everyone in your network access to the LDAP-wrapper.
    Only your (local hosted) applications or your NAS should have access.

  • An LDAP search on the NAS must be possible without any authentication in order to be able to select the domain/baseDN at all. Therefore, some queries can be run as anonymous by default. Data like domain/baseDN or schema can be fetched without authentication. Since this LDAP-wrapper is originally only meant to use my work account (Microsoft Entra Account) on a NAS, this is the default behaviour. You can change this via the env var LDAP_ANONYMOUSBIND if required.

  • In order to use samba, the user credentials hashes are cached in the ldap attribute sambaNTPassword.
    If you don’t need samba, the cache can be disabled by setting LDAP_SAMBANTPWD_MAXCACHETIME to 0.
    However, if you do not disable the cache, there is a special treatment for these hashed credentials. This handling can not be disabled.

    • Superusers, as defined in LDAP_BINDUSER, can get all cached credentials.
    • Each user has access to his own cached credential hash.
    • In all other cases the attribute is returned with XXXX instead of the hash value.
  • In cases such as network/internet issues or Microsoft Graph API / Entra ID not being reachable, the cached hash is used for authentication.
    This can be a problem if the user has been deactivated in the meantime or the password would be invalid. The use of the cached password during authentication can be disabled by setting the LDAP_ALLOWCACHEDLOGINONFAILURE parameter to false.

  • Using the experimental feature to bypass MFA/2FA
    Officially MFA is not supported by this LDAP-wrapper. The login for users with activated MFA simply fails, as mentioned here and here. There is an experimental feature to bypass MFA/2FA. It must be manually enabled by setting the the env var GRAPH_IGNORE_MFA_ERRORS to true. Even if the env var is set to true, the login attempt appears as “Failure” in the Microsoft Entra ID sign-in logs due to MFA/2FA. It is only the LDAP-wrapper that internally treats some MFA/2FA related error codes as a successful login.

  • Mapped docker volume
    Be aware that other users with access on your file system may also be able to read the JSON files in the mounted docker path (/app/.cache) and thus get access to the cached sambaNTPassword attribute.